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A raça forte

The Strong Breed (A Raça Forte) is one of the best known plays by Wole Soyinka. It's a tragedy that ends with the sacrifice of one individual for the sake of a community. The play centres on the tradition of a Yoruba festival, where the village scapegoat carrying the evil of the whole community and is exiled from civilization. The piece, which is heavily symbolic, suggests that death is a crucial distinction in the struggle between the will of the individual and that of the whole community. An underground current of repressive ideology affects the whole ritual. It confronts tradition with contemporaneity and is a symbol of the emergence of a new culture in Africa.

Nuno M Cardoso, director

"The Fate of a Stranger. Decisions taken by a Stranger lead him towards his tragic fate. Decision and Destiny. These concepts, combined with the idea of a perpetual, traditional ritual that

collapses, leads to a clash between two different cultures, times and ways of thinking. A stripped-down scenic space, bodies, lights, sounds, interactions and conflicts charged with meaning,  these mark the struggle between the will of the individual and that of the whole community."

text Wole Soyinka

adaptation Nuno M Cardoso

director Nuno M Cardoso

translation Carina Rosas

cast Ana Rosa Mendes, Angelo Torres, Giovanni Lourenço, Margarida Bento, Matamba Joaquim, Susana Sá, Zia Soares

wardrobe Rosário Moreira

sound design Nuno M Cardoso

photography Bruno Carvalho, Mário Melo Costa

video Mário Melo Costa

graphic designer Mário Melo Costa

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