Ruínas [Ruined]
"Ruined" was written after a pilgrimage through Africa, where the author conducted countless interviews on a Ugandan refugee camp that sheltered Congolese women. This interaction gave rise to a portrait of women trapped in a devastating on-going tragedy. The setting is a brothel-bar in the rain forest of war-ridden Democratic Republic of Congo. The shrewd matriarch and owner of the place - Mama Nadi - protects and profits from the bodies of women that became a battlefield between governmental soldiers and rebel forces.
The play won the Pulitzer Prize in 2009.
Text Lynn Nottage
Director António Pires
Cast Teatro GRIOT - Daniel Martinho,
Giovanni Lourenço, Matamba Joaquim,
ZiaSoares; João Araújo, Rafael Fonseca,
Selma Uamusse, Cheila Lima, Elizabeth Pinard,
Fernando Nobre, James dos Reis, Maxime,
Mistah Isaac e NBC
Original music Filipe Raposo
Lyrics Kalaf
Scenography João Nunes
Costume designer Luís Mesquita
Illustration Joana Villaverde
Co-production Ar de Filmes / Teatro do Bairro
e São Luiz Teatro Municipal
Collaboration Teatro GRIOT