Posso saltar do meio da escuridão e morder
What lives beneath the surface of subjection? Can the absence of freedom make a soul die? Insubmission appears as the only possibility of survival for a woman who discovers herself to be a woman and black in the context of the watertight places of slavery. The show's journey is ultimately an ordeal as a path to consciousness. Between the imaginary, the symbolic and the real, Daniel, Gio and Zia move towards lucidity - in the 1st person, in the 3rd person, sometimes in both - to the very word that generates a voice and a mineral, vegetable and animal body.
Rogério de Carvalho, director
“The impossible - traumatic Thing comes from Inner Space. Initially, all we see is the Void - the dark, infinite Sky, the eerily silent abyss of the Universe, with scattered twinkling stars, which are less material objects than abstract points; then, suddenly, we hear a sound behind us, from our innermost depths, which is joined by the visual object, the source of that sound - the gigantic version of the boats carrying enslaved people. The object-Thing is thus transmitted as part of ourselves that we expel into reality... We also seek. This intrusion of the Thing seems to bring relief, suppressing the horror of contemplating the infinite emptiness of the Universe.
It is the materialization of the most intimate traumatic fantasies; this explains the enigma of the strange gaps in her memory. What she writes is the phantasmatic image she has of him. It is part of Inner Space (from you to you). Aren't the facts and feelings she narrates her own invention? Did they exist? Is it the Thing? Isn't it an Emptiness? We don't see the actions, we only hear them. Is the process of Slavery/Thing, the development of its history, its realization? In the end, she returns to where she started, taking on the consciousness of what it is to be black. The tragic position is that she becomes aware of all substantial identity, that she is nothing in herself, since she only thinks she exists by dreaming of the Other. The immensity is in her, both in her voice and in her speech.”
director Rogério de Carvalho
text Teatro Griot
cast Daniel Martinho, Gio Lourenço, Zia Soares
sound designer soundslikenuno
light designer Jorge Ribeiro
elocution Luis Madureira
movement Cláudia Bonina
set and costume designer Teatro GRIOT
photography Fernando Ricardo, Sofia Berberan
graphic design Neusa Trovoada
production Teatro GRIOT
duration approx. 1h30