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No Meio do Caminho

Miguel Loureiro, director


No Meio do Caminho... is based on The Divine Comedy, a medieval epic that narrates Dante's journey through the three places of the Beyond - Hell, Purgatory and Paradise.

Three actors are in an imprecise place, a room, an office, a studio or none of these, where they try to reproduce the text, the characters, the myths and the reasoning flaws linked to this masterpiece, which was not originally intended to be a drama, to be a scene.
One certainty: to cross three metaphysical projections: Hell, a place of condemnation and pain; Purgatory, where humans do penance and purify themselves; and Paradise, the pinnacle of redemption and the goal of adventure.
The coordinates of this undertaking are based on the following points: the point of the fable, the
Dante's pilgrimage to the Center of the World, with the dialogues, the actions, the passages from one circle to another, etc., which could well configure a medieval drama in stations, similar to sacred works of liturgical theater of the time; the moral point, the central question in the work. How to dialogue with Christian morality in our strongly secular times? The point of the allegory, in itself, the questions of the characters, what they represent of us, how do we approach this allegorical writing and claim it for ourselves, even if only for a few moments? Finally, the symbolic point, turning into theatrical material everything that is played out in the occult in the work, starting right away with the number 3: Holy Trinity, the 33 cantos, the tercenas... the spirals, the vortices, the straits, the bifurcations and the false steps of this place, halfway along our path as creators.

Director Miguel Loureiro
Text Dante Alighieri
Dramaturgy Miguel Graça, Miguel Loureiro
Interpretation Daniel Martinho, Tiago Barbosa, Zia Soares
Set design André Guedes
Light design Daniel Worm
Sound design Mestre André
Movement Miguel Pereira
Costumes and props Neusa Trovoada
Costume making Aldina Jesus Atelier
Photography Joana Linda
Promotional video António Castelo
Sound operator Sara Marita
Press office Miguel Branco
Executive production Aoaní d´Alva
Production Teatro GRIOT
Co-production Cineteatro Louletano

Support Batoto Yetu, Câmara Municipal de Loulé, Centro Cultural da Malaposta, DeVIR/CAPa -
Centro de Artes Performativas do Algarve, Junta de Freguesia da Misericórdia, Khapaz, Polo
Cultural Gaivotas Boavista

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