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Eclipse Online: Slate World — Lisbon: Conversation

Slate World — Lisbon: Social

Being a Black Artist during Quarantine

The conversation between Slate World Lisbon Enabler, Alesa Herero, and actress Isabél Zuaa is an opportunity to get to know the actress´s work and to discuss how Black artists are dealing with quarantine.

Photo credit: Helena Cooper

Isabél Zuaa is a Portuguese actress and performer who has origins in Guinea-Bissau and Angola. Her first artistic contact appears in the dance group called Prata Luar, where she remained until her adolescence. Her main formations were first at Chapitô, in theatrical interpretation, then at the Superior School of Theater and Cinema of Lisbon, and also at the Theatre course and at UniRio, in Performing Arts of Rio de Janeiro.

Since 2010, she has been traveling between dance, cinema, theatre and television projects - in Brazil and Portugal; researching new dramaturgies where the Black woman is protagonist and host of her own histories, demystifying stereotypes and preconceptions.

In cinema and television, she has worked with Marcelo Gomes, Yasmin Thayná, Juliana Rojas, Marco Dutra, Felipe Bragança among others. In theatre and dance, she has worked with Gustavo Ciríaco, Jorge Andrade, Tiago Vieira, Tino Segal, Denise Stutz, Felipe Ribeiro amongst others.

Recently she was awarded with:

- Best Leading Actress at the Zinegoak 2018 Film Festival for the film Good Manners by Marco Dutra and Juliana Rojas.

- Award for Best Secondary Actress by CineEuphoria 2018 for the film Joaquim by Marcelo Gomes.

- Best Actress Award at the Sitges 2017 Film Festival for the film Good Manners by Marco Dutra and Juliana Rojas.

- Best Supporting Actress Award at the Fest Aruanda 2017 for the film Nó do Diabo by Ramon Porto Motta.

- Guarani Award Revelation Artist in 2018 for the film Joaquim by Marcelo Gomes

Slate World is transnational partnership promoting the visibility and mobility of Black artists across Europe. Led by Eclipse Theatre with partners Theater De Meervaart, ICK Amsterdam and Teatro GRIOT, the two-year programme will open-up new potentials in programming, audience development, digitisation and cultural exchange. We are now in our final year.

Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.


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